Sunday, 15 December 2013

Christmas Decorations!!!

Ciao a tutti!!!:) Finalmente l'atmosfera natalizia ha invaso anche la mia casetta..ed ecco che il salotto si é popolato di gufetti,uccellini,civette e pure di qualche timido riccio!!!L'albero é piccolino ma tra animaletti, pignette infiocchettate e palline dorate ha proprio l'aspetto che desideravo...sono proprio soddisfatta del risultato!!! Voi cosa ne pensate??:)

Hello everybody!!!Finally the Christmas spirit has invaded my house and the living room has been populated by little owls,birds and also some shy hedgehogs!!!  Although the tree is little, with the tiny animals, the little pine cones with ribbons and the golden balls,it looks as beautiful as I
wanted...I'm really satisfied of the result!!!What do you think about it??:)

Ecco Cloe e Minù..anche loro sono incuriosite da questi nuovi piccoli inquilini!!!

Here Cloe and Minù...they are intrigued too by these new little tenants of the house!


  1. Hello Martina! How wonderful your Christmas decorations!
    Truly a sight! And then the two little helpers posing near the tree are really photogenic!
    And then the little hedgehog, the owl, the birds and all the animals of the forest ... just like they had come from one of the books of Beatrix Potter!
    : D
    Christmas is definitely the time that I like most about the whole year!
    The next time we see: CHOCOLATE! I kiss you baby! The blog is great, keep it up!

  2. ma chere! I just found out how to leave comments on your blog after weeks of useless staring at your page( not this one...which I just discovered..but the one with the brown background)...I love your climbing hedgehog! why did't you put on the boughs Minù and Clotilde tooo?MInù is the dead ringer for the owl:-)

    1. hihihi...;) good idea for next year!!<3 although i'm not sure that Minù and Clotilde will agree with us!!!I'm so pleased to read your lovely comments..thankyou soooo much!!!A big big kiss :*
