Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Wonderful Wednesday # 2

"I'm late. I'm late. For a very important date. No time to say " Hello, Goodbye". I'm late. I'm late. I'm late."

This evening I feel like the White Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland but, despite the complete lack of time of the past few days, I really really wanted to write this happy post, so here I am, wishing you the most wonderful of the Wednesday evenings!
How was your week so far? Mine has been full of new beginnings.. I finally left "the nest" last Saturday to move in my new tiny, lovely, cosy apartment which, I must say, looks exactly as I've always dreamt of. 
So this evening, for the first time in my life, I'm curled up on the sofa, under the woolly blanket I used when I was a little girl in the nursery school, sipping a chai tea latte and writing this list of happiness:

1. Pumpkin. Is there anything in the world more autumnal than pumpkin??!! Just thinking about all the yummy things that you can made by it makes me drool: spiced muffins with pumpkin and chocolate chips, pumpkin and potatoes soup with a sprinkle of cinnamon,  pumpkin's potato dumplings flavored with butter and sage, risotto with pumpkin and mushrooms or pumpkin and rosmary... I could go on forever! Maybe it's just because I'm waiting for my dinner to be ready and all that I can think is about something delicious to fill my belly with, but I swear I do love pumpkin so much!

2.  Going to the cinema. After months and months, I went to the cinema for two Mondays in a row and it was really the perfect way to fight the Monday blues!
I had forgotten how nice was to sink into a confortable seat, with popcorn and some of my favourite ladies to laugh or cry with!

3. Crispy leaves. Walking on a carpet of leaves, surrounded by the trees of the wood which are turning into yellow, orange and red, cheered by the squeak of the squirrels and the humming of the little birds is something that fills my hearth with joy. 
Last Sunday I decided to go for a walk with my dad, along a path  I discovered in my new town; we spent two hours in complete bliss, rejoicing of each other's company, telling stories, laughing and collecting the most beautiful crispy leaves, as it were lucky charms for my new little house.

4. Afternoon tea. To be precise, my new favourite pastel pink mug full of lady grey tea, with a sip of milk and a slice of the yummiest, scented and easy to bake lemon cake just came out from the oven..paradise! Coming home from work yesterday, after a busy,rainy day, and giving myself this little treat was one of the best idea ever..we deserve a goody like this sometimes, don't we?!?

I wish you a lovely night my darlings and, please, let me know what made your week a wonderful one...your comments always made my day!!!
Here all the fabulous WW ladies which I must thank for all the positivity and optimism they gave me in all these months: Sally, Jo, Helen, Michelle, Sarah, Kate, Cat, Sam, El and Kerri.



  1. Oh Martina, how did I not know you'd joined our merry gang? There's so many of us now that I'm strugglng to keep up, but stumbling across this little list of happiness has made a rainy Monday better.
    I agree on the autumnal leaves. just love when they crunch around you and your walk sounds lovely.
    Congratulations on the move. Your apartment sounds lovely and cosy. Plus you need to hook me up to a drip of lemon cake I think!!
    Hope this week finds you a little slower and happy
    Kate xx

    1. Lovely Kate :) You can't imagine how amazing was to find your sweet comment!!!Thank you, Thank you so much!!! Meeting new happy ladies is brilliant and discovering your blog was a real pleasure!
      If we lived closer I could invite you for a cup of tea and a slice of lemon would be so nice to meet you in person!!! We never know what can happen in the future, but for now I leave you the recipe here:

  2. I'm so happy you popped over to my blog and left me a message, Martina, so that I could discover your blog! Like Kate said, I had no idea you'd joined in with our Wonderful Wednesdays either!

    It sounds like you've had a truly wonderful week - despite the busyness! - I completely agree with you on the pumpkin front, it's super tasty! C xx

    1. Oh Cat =) when I discovered your blog some time ago it was love at the first sight!!!It's a pleasure to read your posts and you always choose adorable pictures!
      Thank you so much for your kind words!!!
      A warm hug!!!

  3. I haven't been to the cinema in ages! I usually fancy it, and then decide afterwards that it's not all that great. It has to be a really good film for me to enjoy it.

    1. I totally agree with you Kerri!!! It must be a really good movie to leave the sofa and the blanket, especially on winter nights! I went to see the last movie of Bridget Jones and " me before you"..nothing too demanding, but nice to spend some hours with friends!

  4. I love pumpkin too, it's such a warming autumnal flavour. There's something about seeing pumpkins in shops that makes me feel like the season's really changed!

    1. Maybe it's their roundish shape and the bright orange but I really like to see them around in the shops!!=) I've never been in a pumpkin field, but I would love to!!!
      I wish Autumn could last forever ;)!
