Saturday, 28 December 2013

Christmas Day :)

Hello everybody!!!:) Happy Christmas Holidays!!!
This is the cake I made for breakfast on Christmas's a jam tart with berries and a nice reindeer on the top! ;P Delicious!!!

Some presents from my parents, my sister and my boyfried: I'm soooo happy and I really love them all:)!

 I think this little fox is the cutest i've ever seen!!! <3
Tuesday, 24 December 2013

25 Things about me

E' incredibile come sia difficile descriversi in 25 punti ;)! teoricamente dovrebbe venirci naturale invece, quando mi sono messa a pensarci da sola, ad un certo punto mi sono ritrovata a corto di idee. Per fortuna Daniele é accorso in mio aiuto e insieme é stato molto più facile e divertente!!!Spero che questo nuovo post vi possa essere d'aiuto per conoscermi un pochino meglio..;)
Un bacione!

1. Il colore che preferisco é il verde.
2. Io e Daniele stiamo assieme da 4 anni e mezzo e l'anno scorso abbiamo adottato una tartarughina, Olivia.
3. Adoro leggere e sul mio comodino al momento c'é "Just for Christmas" di Scarlett Bailey,perfetto per immergersi nell'atmosfera natalizia.
4. La mia stagione preferita é l'Autunno..i suoi colori, le castagne, l'aria frizzantina..per me é un momento magico.
5.Amo viaggiare, conoscere persone nuove,scoprire posti sconosciuti, fare mille fotografie e tenere un diario di viaggio da aggiornare giorno per giorno.
6. Quest' estate sono stata una settimana nel Lake District con la tenda!:) Non avrei mai immaginato di divertirmi così vita da campeggiatori é fantastica e ti fa sentire libera!!!
7. Sono allergica al latte e ai derivati, ma essendo una golosona non mi sono data per vinta e mi sono specializzata nella preparazione di biscotti, dolcetti e torte senza lattosio:)
8. Ho uno yorkshire terrier di nome Cloe e una gatta di nome Minù.
9. Alcuni dei miei film preferiti sono: Le Fabuleux destin d' Amelie Poulain, L'amore non va in vacanza, P.S I love you, Le pagine della nostra vita, Bright Star.
10. Quando ero piccola adoravo le storie di Beatrix Potter e di Astrid Lindgren.
11. Ho vissuto per 5 anni a Venezia con la mia migliore amica per fare l' Università.
12. Vorrei diventare Assistente Sociale.
13. I tulipani mi mettono allegria.
14. Impazzisco per le borse e le sciarpe e non smetterei mai di comprarne.
15. Sono una persona solare, amichevole, sensibile, anche se un tantino permalosa;)!
16. Ho vissuto a Parigi per un paio di mesi e adoro parlare francese.
17. Adoro fare regali, vedere le persone emozionarsi scartando i pacchettini mi riempie di gioia.
18. Mi piace fare lunghe passeggiate in campagna e nei boschi, mi rilassa e riesce  a rigenerarmi.
19. Sono innamorata dell' Irlanda, ci sono stata 4 volte e la trovo un'isola meravigliosa e ricca di fascino.
20. Girare per i mercatini e i negozi vintage é la mia passione.
21. Tra i miei gruppi musicali preferiti ci sono i Coldplay.
22. Uno degli ultimi libri che ho letto é stato "The Help", una storia molto profonda e toccante, ma allo stesso tempo ironica e divertente.
23. Fino a quattro anni fa non mettevo ne gonne ne vestiti, ora invece ne vado pazza!
24. Adoro accendere candele profumate!
25. Ho una sorella che ha dieci anni meno di me,ma nonostante la differenza di età siamo molto unite.

It's amazing how difficult is to be described in 25 points ;)! it should be easy and natural but when I started thinking alone suddenly I found myself running out of ideas. Luckily Daniele helped me and together it has been easier and funny. I hope this new post will help you to know me a little better..;)
A big kiss!

1. My favourite color is green.
2. Daniele and I are together since 2009 and last year we adopted a turtle, Olivia.
3. I love reading and, at the moment, on my bedside table there is " Just for Christmas" by Scarlett Bailey, perfect for soaking up the atmosphere of Chrismas.
4. My favourite season is Autumn..its colors, chestnuts, the crispy's a magic moment for me.
5.I love to travel, meet new people, discover unknown places, make thousands of pictures,keep a travel diary and update it day by day.
6. This summer I went a week in the Lake District with a tent :) It was so funny and it made me feel free!
7. I'm allergic to dairy products, but i'm also very greedy so i've learnt how to prepare biscuits, muffins and cakes which are dairy free. 
8. I have a yorkshire terrier called Cloe and a cat called Minù.
9. Some of my favorite movies are: Le Fabuleux destin d 'Amelie Poulain, The Holiday, PS I love you, The Notebook, Bright Star.
10. When I was a child I really loved to read the stories of Beatrix Potter and Astrid Lindgren.
11. I lived for 5 years in Venice with my best friend for the University.
12.  I would become Social Worker.
13. Tulips make me feel happy.
14. I go crazy for handbags and scarves and I would never stop buying them.
15. I am a cheerful, friendly and sensitive person, but also a little bit touchy;)!
16. I lived in Paris a couple of months and i love speaking French.
17. I love giving gifts, seeing people get excited unwrapping packets fills me with joy.   
18. I like to take long walks in the countryside and in the woods, it relaxes and regenerates me.
19. I'm in love with Ireland, I have been there 4 times and I find it a fascinating and beautiful island.
20. Wander round markets and vintage shops is my passion.
21. One of my favourite group are Coldplay.
22. One of the last books I read was "The Help," a very deep and touching story, but at the same time ironic and funny.
23. Until four years ago I didn't wear skirts or dresses, but now I go crazy for them!
24.I love to light up scented candles!

25. I have a sister who is ten years younger than me, but in spite of the age we're very tight.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Christmas Biscuits with chocolate chips!!!!

Ciao bellezze:) Natale ormai é alle porte..le candele profumano la casa di frutti di bosco e l'albero decorato la illumina e la rende più confortevole che mai..mancavano soltanto dei biscottini natalizi da inzuppare in una bella tazza di té o di cioccolata calda!!!
Eccoli qui..appena sfornati:) Vi lascio la ricetta..facilissima e veloce!
Buon weekend a tutte!!! :*

250 gr di farina
100 gr di zucchero
125 gr di burro ( oppure margarina per chi é allergico o intollerante al latte come me ;))
1 uovo
1 presa di sale
2 cucchiaini di lievito

Ammorbidire il burro, aggiungere lo zucchero  e mescolare bene il composto. Aggiungere la farina mescolata con il lievito, una presa di sale e l'uovo. Lavorare l'impasto finché non si riesce a formare
una bella pallina. Infarinare il piano di lavoro e deporvi l'impasto, aggiungere una manciata di gocce di cioccolato, impastare bene, tirarlo con il mattarello e creare i biscottini con le formine.
Cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 180 gradi per circa 10 minuti.

Buona merenda :D

Hello beauties:)..Christmas is almost at the gates..the sweet smell of berries fills the house, the decorated tree lights it up and makes it more comfortable than ever .. we only missed some christmas biscuits to drench in a cup of tea or in a hot chocolate!!!
Here they are.. freshly baked :) I leave you the recipe..really easy and fast to do!
Have a good weekend!!! :* 

250 gr of flour
100 gr of sugar
125 gr of butter ( or margarine if you are allergic or intolerant to dairy products like me)
1 egg
a pinch of salt
2 teaspoons of baking powder

Soften butter, add sugar and stir the mixture well. Add flour mixed with baking powder, a pinch of salt and the egg. Knead the dough until it's able to form a ball. Flour the work surface and depose the dough, add a handful of chocolate chips, mix well, stretch it out with a rolling pin and make the biscuits with cookie cutters.

Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Enjoy them!!! :D

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Christmas Decorations!!!

Ciao a tutti!!!:) Finalmente l'atmosfera natalizia ha invaso anche la mia casetta..ed ecco che il salotto si é popolato di gufetti,uccellini,civette e pure di qualche timido riccio!!!L'albero é piccolino ma tra animaletti, pignette infiocchettate e palline dorate ha proprio l'aspetto che desideravo...sono proprio soddisfatta del risultato!!! Voi cosa ne pensate??:)

Hello everybody!!!Finally the Christmas spirit has invaded my house and the living room has been populated by little owls,birds and also some shy hedgehogs!!!  Although the tree is little, with the tiny animals, the little pine cones with ribbons and the golden balls,it looks as beautiful as I
wanted...I'm really satisfied of the result!!!What do you think about it??:)

Ecco Cloe e Minù..anche loro sono incuriosite da questi nuovi piccoli inquilini!!!

Here Cloe and Minù...they are intrigued too by these new little tenants of the house!

Friday, 6 December 2013

Goodbye Madiba....

During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.
Nelson Mandela - April 20, 1964

Voglio dedicare questo post a Nelson Mandela, leader della lotta contro l'apartheid in Sud Africa e Premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1993, che si é spento ieri sera nella sua casa di Johannesburg, all'età di 95 anni. 
Mandela ha passato 27 anni della sua vita in prigione a Robben Island e non ha mai smesso di lottare contro lo spietato regime dell'apartheid razzista e la segregazione razziale che hanno oppresso il Sud Africa dal 1948 al 1994. 
Nel 1994 Mandela é diventato il primo Presidente nero del Sud Africa, "The Rainbow Nation", come era solito chiamare la sua terra, ed ha saputo trattenere il suo paese dal precipitare in un baratro di vendetta e di sangue con il suo messaggio di perdono e di riconciliazione.

                  Grazie Nelson Mandela per quello che hai insegnato all'umanità....

I want to dedicate this post to Nelson Mandela, leader of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and Nobel Prize for Peace in 1993, who is passed away yesterday evening at his home in Johannesburg, at the age of 95.
Mandela spent 27 years of his life in prison in Robben Island and he never gave up fighting against the cruel regime of the racist apartheid and the racial segregation that oppressed the South Africa from 1948 to 1994.
In 1994 Mandela became the first black President of South Africa, "The Rainbow Nation", as he used to call his land, and he was able to keep his country from plunging into an abyss of revenge and blood with his message of forgiveness and reconciliation.
         Thankyou Nelson Mandela for what you have taught to the humanity....
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Something New!;)

 Hi everybody!:) I really want to show you my new purchases: 
  1. First of all my new burgundy gloves! I bought them yesterday in a little shop called " Lady", where I always find beautiful things! When I saw them in the shop window I truly fell in love..they are so lovely and woolly inside..perfect against this chilly weather! 
  2. My brooch with the old fisherman: i received it as a gift from my boyfriend when we were in Venice last week. It's handmade and the fisherman has a really nice expression that makes me laugh, so I usually wear it in my sweaters to beautify my outfits. 
  3. My vintage earrings: i found them in a vintage exposition and they are made with the paper of old love postcards. I think it's a really nice idea..and i like to fantasize about the identity of the lovers whose postcard has been used to create them.   
xxx Martina
(ps: sorry if sometimes my english is not soo good..but i'm trying to improve it, and i'll do my best!!!:D)                                                                                                                                                                                   
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Orange and Poppy Seed Bundt Cake

This afternoon I made this cake with oranges and poppy seeds and the kitchen smelled delicious!!! It's very easy to do and it's perfect with a cup of tea to warm up in a freezing day!!!

Serves 10
200gr/ 7oz unsalted butter,plus extra for greasing 
200gr / 7 oz golden caster sugar
3 large eggs, beaten
finely grated rind of 1 orange
55gr / 2 oz poppy seeds
300gr / 10 and 1/2 oz plain flour, plus extra for dusting
2 tsp baking power
150ml / 5fl oz milk
125 ml/4 fl oz orange juice

Optional: strips of orange zest, to decorate

140 gr / 5 oz golden caster sugar
150ml / 5 fl oz orange juice 

Preheat the oven to 160°/ 325°F/ Gas Mark 3.
Grease and lightly flour a Bundt ring tin.
Cream together the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, then add the eggs gradually, beating thoroughly after each addition. Stir in the orange rind and poppy seeds. Sift in the flour and baking powder, then fold evenly. Add the milk and orange juice, stirring to mix evenly.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, or until firm and golden brown. Leave to cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool.
For the syrup, place the sugar and orange juice in a saucepan and heat gently until the sugar melts. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 5 minutes, until reduced and syrupy.
Spoon the syrup over the cake whilst it is still warm. Top with the strips of orange zest and serve warm or cold. 

I hope you'll have fun doing it :) and Buon Appetito!!!



Tuesday, 26 November 2013

A Sunny Autumn Afternoon...part.2

Kissed by the sun

It was so freezing that I had to put on my new teddy bear earmuffs to keep my ears warm.

A Sunny Autumn Afternoon...

This afternoon I was walking in the fields with my bestfriend when I saw this tree, whose fruits reminded me of those of the Autum Story of Brambly Hedge! When I was a child I was in love with this book of Jill Barklem, I was used to borrow it from the library almost every week and my poor daddy was forced to read me these beautiful stories before to go to bed. They were perfect for a dreamy night! It sounds umbelievable but I received it at the age of 22 as a gift from my boyfriend!
Does anybody remember these lovely mice?

Monday, 25 November 2013
Chocolate time with my boyfriend in a chilly and windy evening!!!