Sunday, 9 February 2014

A day without rain...

Today has been the first sunny day after weeks of rain!!!
It was so beautiful to wake up this morning and see the sun rays through the blinds..I immediately felt happy and full of energy!!!
After breakfast I went for a long walk with my sister and my dad.. the meadows were sparkling, you could hear the lapping of the water of the creek and the chirping of the birds.

 I breathed deeply the fresh air and I felt excited to see the first signs of spring, some small white flowers on the banks of the river!!!

They have been so strong to survive the torrential rains of the past weeks!!!
When I came back home I found Cloe sleeping on the couch and I curled up next to her, with a steaming cup of tea, and my book of Caitlin Moran.

How was your Sunday morning?



  1. Hurrah for beautiful blue skies! We spent this morning on the beach with the pups and made it home just before the hailstorm started, rest of the day spent cooking.
    Glad you made the most of the sunshine
    M x Life Outside London

    1. Awwww...what a wonderful Sunday morning on the beach with your beautiful pups!!!:) We really needed a sunny day and I hope the sun will shine all the week!!!!
